Wyoming Outfitter License BG-019
1962 Lane 15, Powell, Wyoming 82435 ∙ Telephone: (307) 899-4673 ∙ e-mail:
“As exciting as winning the 2023 Supertag Trifecta lottery is, the task of planning and preparing for a hunting trip like that in a matter of months is almost too daunting. Thank God I found Trails West and Josh Martoglio early in the process. Josh helped me plan everything from the gear I needed to get to the dates we needed to hunt. From riding mules on a sheep hunt to hiking boulders on a goat hunt, Josh seemed to know exactly how hard he could push to get the most out of the hunt for us all. For Josh to take a Georgia boy with zero mountain experience who never had to shoot an animal more than 200 yards away and lead me on THREE successful hunts in six days is nothing short of remarkable (Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, & Elk in that order).  All the while, it felt like I was out there with old hunting buddies rather than just a hired guide. I can’t thank Josh enough for not only the success of the hunt but for making the whole experience one that I’ll remember and think back on for life. If I’m fortunate enough to get the opportunity to ever do another Wyoming hunt it will, without a doubt, be with Josh as my guide!”

Josh Cronan

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Trails West Outfitters, LLC

1962 Lane 15
Powell, Wyoming 82435
Telephone: (307) 899-4673

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